Sunday, August 29, 2010

Teenage Pregnancy: Part 2

As you all have read i am writing about teenage pregnancy.
And i just so happen to be a teenage mother.
So i feel like this would be a great subject for me to touch on and let others know just how hard it is to be a parent at succh a young age.
When i became pregnant at the age of 16 i was doing all sorts of crazy things. I was partying and engaging into pre-marital sex.
(Well duh right i was pregnant)
I was doing things like sneeking around to do things my mom wouldnt let me do.
Im sure there was plenty of other things that i was doing that i can not think of right off hand.
But im sure you all get the picture.
While i was pregnant with my little man i realized that i really needed to grow up... A lot!
Because when little Levi came into this world i wouldn't be able to do all those so called fun things that i was doing before.
I really didn't want to be known as that teen parent that doesn't care about her son and party's all the time.
And I'm defiantly not that type of parent and never plan to be!
I want to set a good example for Levi so when he grows up he isn't doing all the things i was at such a young age.

Now that i am a mommy i have finally realized that it is not as easy as it looks to be a parent.
I have had to give up everything.
I don't have a social life, because i don't have many friends that actually keep in touch with me much.
Honestly i care but then again i don't because that's more time for my little man!
I do really miss spending time with them though.
But Levi is way more important to me now.
As hard as it may be i feel like i am a great parent to Levi and i will not let anyone tell me other wise.

Levi Konner Hagen:)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Teenage Pregnancy

I haven't wrote a blog in a few weeks and i just couldnt find anything interesting to write about. So i went to google to see if that could help me to find a interesting subject. Well guess what google helped bunches!
I have decided to write a blog on Teenage Pregnancy!
I am a teen mom and i would have never thought that i would be a mom at such a young age.
But everything happens for a reason and thats why i am a mother.

While many teens engage into pre-marital sex and never become pregnant, some are just not as fortunate.
Teen pregnancy has become very common in this day and time.
Some teens think it will not happen to them and do not use all the precautions that they should.
There are so many ways that teens get pregnant these days and the effects can be life changing.
Finding out that your pregnant at such a young age is no fun, because all that is going through your head is" how am i going to tell my parents?" or "how could something like this happen to me and not all the other people that are doing all the things that i am doing?"

When i found out i was pregnant i was terrified.
I had so many options to take but i wanted to keep levi because i dont believe in abortion.
So i now have a beautiful baby boy named Levi Konner Hagen:)
I made a awsome choice by keeping Levi because i have grown up so much and if it wasnt for mr Levi i wouls still be getting into trouble!

Friday, August 6, 2010

My Best Friend

Levi Konner Hagen

I have had many friends in my life time but none of them compare to my best friend!
My best friend may not be able to talk and carry on a conversation with me or any one at that matter but he loves me and thats all that matters!

My other friends and i had things in common but me and my best friend have many things in common:)
He has brown hair and brown eyes just like me!
Both of our names start with "L."
We share the same grandparents:)
We both love daddy!
And im sure there are many other things to add to that.

My best friend will always be in my life!
And that is why...
Levi Konner Hagen is my best friend!

-I love you so much levi you will never know just how much<3
Love mommy:)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Cloth Diapers:)

Two weeks ago Andrea Wood did my sons photos for a cloth diaper magazine:)
And let me just tell you those diapers are so cute!
A lot better than regular ole diapers.
I really wont to start using them!
i would save so much money with them, diapers are expensive now days.
I waas thinking we through away all these dirty diapers and a week later if even that we are buying more!
We could just buy a bunch of cloth diapers and they would last him until he is potty trained:)

These diapers are just tooo cute to me:)
Iwish i would have known about them before i had levi!
Because i have been using these ugly ole things called diapers that cause rashes and some brands of them he cant even wear because he is allergic to them:(

They are super ugly compared to cloth diapers:)
I do believe when i have another baby way way way down the road i will def. be using cloth diapers!!!
Thanks Andrea:)

See they are so adorable on my little guy:)

Tie Dye Shirts:)

                                  When me and levi got home today we had a suprise:)
                                                      Daddy got us a tie dye kit!
Just the other day in Wal-Mart i was talking about how it would be so much fun to make tie dye shirts!
Well i got to make some today:)
We made levi some little tie dye onsies and they are going to be so adorable!
I cant wait to see how they all turn out!
Here are a couple pictures!

This is one that i made for myself:)

Tyler was making one of  levis onsies:)


The Good Book before Facbook!

Two weeks ago our youth group started a group on Facebook called "The Good Book before Facebook"
This group was made to help people learn what is more important in life:) And our God is the most important thing in our lives. Well he should be...

There are so many things in life now that we put before our awsome God.
We put things like Facebook, Myspace, Video Games, etc.
before him when really we should be worshiping him before any of those not so important things.
Bible Verse:

Matthew 7:24 "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

Matthew 8:13 "Then Jesus said to the centurion, "GO! it will be done just as you believed it would." And that servent was healed at that very hour.

Matthew 11:6 "Blessed is the man who does noy fall away on account of me."
Start putting God first:)
Read your Bible before getting on facebook!
Thats why its called:
"The Good Book before Facebook"

Sunday, August 1, 2010

my first blog:)

 "Welcome to my blog! This is a my very first blog:), I thought it would be a fun way to record things. Im 17 and I became a mom 9 months ago to a sweet and adorably bald little man named Levi. he is the best thing that has ever happened to me! you know that saying "things happen for a reason"? well that is so true. if levi never came into the picture i would still be the girl who doesnt care about anything. levi has influenced me to be a better person:) i do care now im not a perfect person but who is? i am proud of my son and always will be so here is a slide show of levi konners entrance:)enjoy!